Wednesday, July 1, 2015

I was at Central Market yesterday, waiting for my sweetheart to come pick me up (it was raining. don't judge me) when I took a glance over at the trash can.

And saw... this.

I mean, who does this?

It was Central Market folks. Stuff in their bakery is goo-oo-oo-ooooood. If you wanted a cookie enough to buy it, this one was certainly good enough to consume completely, or mostly, or just share with a friend. 

But the real point I want to make is... once done with this bingeworthy bakery bit, the culprit didn't actually have the heart to throw it away... completely. They just... LEFT it there. On the trashcan. So... what... someone else can eat it? Think about this for a second.

"I (sigh), waif that I am, cannot POSSIBLY finish this ENORMOUS cookie. But there are people starving in Africa... and China... and right here in Austin, Texas. So I'm not going to be a wasteful douche and throw this cookie-half away. I'm going to put it right here, so you poor, hungry people can see that it is no longer wanted, so you can pick it up OFF THE TRASH CAN and eat it."

Oh Half-a-biscuit Benefactor, may I suggest for next time... Save the half-a-cookie in a baggie in your purse until you see a child that needs quieting or you perhaps find yourself stranded in an elevator. And if you want to help the poor in Austin, give the next homeless person you see a fully-wrapped whole power bar, a bottle of water, and a little dignity. And maybe some dry socks. 


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